Instincts First x Hepa Te Moana for New Plymouth District Council Pack Walk

Instincts First x Hepa Te Moana for New Plymouth District Council Pack Walk

Spiderman the Dog on east end beach in New Plymouth

It was awesome to see everyone on the day! 

Thanks for listening to Why I am running for New Plymouth District Council and helping us to raise close to $500 which will go a long way towards promotional material and travel costs travelling between Tongapōrotu and Okato during this election campaign.

Special THANKS:

Kayla & Monique of Instincts First for their expertise on the day and all their hard work leading up to the event.

Gabby from Gabby B Photography for the stunning pictures on the day! 

Teia from Teias Barkery for the donated Dog treats! 

Here are your pictures: Enjoy! 

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